As we enter another year (doesn’t 2006 feel like yesterday?), I can’t help but wonder what the future has in store for us. I know how hard 2022 has been for some of my closest friends, so let’s look to the future and help each other navigate what can be a difficult time for many. I’ve put together a few top tips to (hopefully) make 2023 that little bit easier. Here goes…
Tip #1
Do more exercise. Simple. Whether it be walking (using the car less can only be a good thing), enjoying some fitness at home (Lockdown style!), or join a fitness group, the health benefits are endless.
Exercise is known to improve brain performance as well as your mental health and overall mood. Regular exercise helps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol and I can guarantee you will feel so much better about yourself if you exercised more.
I have joined Neighbourhood Fitness as I love exercising in the outdoors. Come rain or shine, I pop along as often as I can (dragging Coen along with me too!) and I cannot tell you how much better I feel for it.
So go on, what are you waiting for?
Tip #2
Buy a dehumidifier
With soaring energy prices and cost of living through the roof, we were struggling to dry clothes. Each washing machine load was taking up to 6 days to dry (yep, I wish I was kidding). And although this sounds like a third world problem, with two young boys in the house it was getting out of hand. We needed a solution. And THIS IS IT. Washing dry in a matter of hours, and costing just pennies to run, a dehumidifier is the answer. I am finally able to wash, dry and pack away clothes in the same day.
This is one of the best investments we made last year. While everyone is banging on about air fryers, we are rubbing our hands together with glee knowing we have the best kept secret up our sleeves!
Tip #3
Buy less 'stuff', create more memories
2022 has been a tough year for so many of my closest friends. Losing family very dear to them, it has really made me appreciate the true meaning of Christmas and made me re-think the meaning of presents.
While I love nothing more than opening the biggest box of Hush clothes on Christmas morning, what fills me with even more joy is spending time with those I love. Creating memories cherished for a lifetime will stay with us far longer than the latest sweatshirt.
Between my friends and I, we no longer exchange presents. Our children instead get to spend the day together and make memories with one another. This is far more important to us all and really teaches the true value of life to our children.
Tip #4
Save on your Adobe subscription
I recently shared my Adobe top tip with a fellow freelancer whose mind was blown by the monthly saving on her Adobe account. So if by chance you sign up to an Adobe subscription, save yourself hundreds of pounds every year with the following simple steps:
- Sign in at
- Select Manage plan for the plan you want to cancel.
- Select Cancel your plan.
- Indicate the reason for cancellation, and then select Continue.
- You will notice that Adobe provide you with a list of alternative subscription prices. Sometimes offering you 2 months free, other times offering you a significantly reduced package. Take your pick.
- And remember, come back again in a month or so to negotiate further discounts.
With the cost of living as high as it is, we need to do everything in our power to make life a bit easier.
Tip #5
Surround yourself with people who bring you happiness
Surrounding yourself with people who bring you happiness is, without a doubt, the most important piece of advice I can give for 2023.
In turn, it does mean that we may need to remove those around us who don’t bring out the best in us. Although this is something I have struggled a lot with over the last year, I am slowly finding inner strength to cleanse my social circle. Surrounding myself with people who make me happy is, quite simply, cleansing of the soul. And I would highly recommend it.